One of the fantastic benefits of travel is being able to observe and experience new cultures, unfamiliar environments, unique customs, and different ways of doing everyday things. Recently I visited Tokyo, Japan and absolutely loved it. And I realized on this trip that there are many examples in Japan, compared to the U.S. and many other places I've been, of how we can save … [Read more...]
How Hard Is It To Find A Job? It Can Feel Impossible!
As some of you know, I am currently in full swing searching for a new job. In September I accepted the hard fact that I've been unhappy and stressed for too long in my current role and really need a change. Things started to turn sour when I was denied a promotion, and I realized there’s a lot of bad decision-making happening at the executive level. It's also hard doing the … [Read more...]
People Are Funny!
At least once a week I find myself giggling, raising an eyebrow, or saying hmmm when I see a unique character doing things their own way. I found myself laughing the other day because people are funny! So I decided to put together a quick post on some of the funny things people do to celebrate the untemplate spirit of being who you want to be and not worrying about what others … [Read more...]
You Don’t Have To Produce Anything To Make Lots Of Money
For the longest time, I believed that you can only make really good money if you produce something. I've had jobs where if I wasn't producing revenue, I wasn't going to get paid or promoted as much or as quickly. And my colleagues who were in the back office weren't getting paid very well and most of them were overworked, underpaid, and unhappy. They might as well have worked … [Read more...]
Personal Finance Goals For Freelancers
Do you want to be a successful freelancer? One of the critical skills you will need is money management. Not only do you need to maintain the books and records of each of your side gigs (use my tips on how to do your own bookkeeping), you need to be able to stay on top of your personal finances as well. It takes a lot of time to build up a steady flow of income as a freelancer, … [Read more...]