Normally, I'm pretty happy this time of year. But, the chaos of the holidays got to me a bit more this time around than in years past. I've definitely been more stressed, frustrated, and disappointed than normal. Even my little three-year-old looked at me with curious, innocent eyes and asked in her sweet tiny voice, "Why do you keep sighing, mama?" Zing! That was a reality … [Read more...]
My 3 Fave Tips From Sam Dogen’s Book Buy This, Not That
One of the blogs that I've been following for years is Financial Samurai, a personal finance website run by Sam Dogen. So I was thrilled to get an early copy of his brand new book Buy This, Not That which is now available at retailers everywhere. The book is officially a Wall Street Journal bestseller now as well! What I love so much about this book is that it's easy to … [Read more...]
My Autistic Life: From Childhood To My 40s
At the age of 40, I unexpectedly discovered I'm autistic. I never suspected I had autism growing up. Frankly, we knew a lot less about it back then. Even if my parents had suspected I was autistic, I likely would have been dismissed by doctors and sent home just labeled as "shy" because of my gender. That, or perhaps misdiagnosed with something else like social anxiety. … [Read more...]
How To Engineer Your Layoff Book Review: Best Severance Negotiation Strategies
It's not very often you can say a book changed your life. But that's just what happened to me when I read How To Engineer Your Layoff: Make A Small Fortune By Saying Goodbye written by Sam Dogen of Financial Samurai. It changed my life for the better, forever. It was a very profitable use of my time, and has returned at least 1,500 times more than the cost. The book is … [Read more...]
A New Day, A New Dawn, & I’m Feeling Good
Every new day brings a new dawn. And with it come limitless possibilities. Yet, all too often we get in our own way or lack the focus and determination to seize those opportunities. I certainly am guilty of this and have no-one to blame but myself. This year I'm hoping to feel more content and relaxed at the end of every day. Happiness is progress after all. I got way too … [Read more...]