The biggest downside to retirement is boredom. Retiring suddenly means filling a 10-hour vacuum every day if you worked a standard 40 hours a week and had a standard painful commute. I was admittedly bored my first year in retirement, even though I had Financial Samurai to connect with the rest of the world. I'd be done writing and responding to comments and e-mail by 10:30 … [Read more...]
Are you protected from the STRESS virus?!
Anyone who claims they haven't experienced stress in their life is either completely kidding themselves or living a very sheltered lifestyle. Stress doesn't even wait to strike until we're adults; it can affect kids from an early age if parents aren't careful. I certainly remember experiencing stress in middle and high school. Of course the triggers of stress for me as a … [Read more...]
Public speaking tips for work and conferences
If you're like most people, you probably dread public speaking and try to avoid it at all costs. It's nerve wracking to put yourself out there in front of a crowd. Even speaking up in work meetings can be unnerving. I've been there! But if you want to climb the ladder at work, the sooner you can start to get comfortable with public speaking, especially in work and conference … [Read more...]
Get more done each week starting right now
How many times have you found yourself wondering where all the time went over the last week, especially on the weekends? Seven days is a lot of time to get things done, but so often we're juggling a million things that time just seems to evaporate. The trouble is between all the things we juggle from commuting, studying/working, attending meetings, going through our inboxes, … [Read more...]
Self-employed? Don’t miss these tips to save money and taxes
Taxes sure are a drag, but they don't have to be overwhelming if you get a grasp of the basics. Familiarizing yourself with the various forms and filing requirements will also help make the process less stressful. If you're self-employed the following tips can help you save money, taxes and survive this tax season and many more to come. 1. Understand your tax entity Before … [Read more...]