Those of you who are long-term readers of Untemplater, know that I am addicted to quotes! They are like free therapy happy pills and have helped me through hard times, anxious moments, stressful days, and given me boosts of courage and motivation. Here are some quotes of advice I love to bring a smile to your face, and a head nod.
10 Quotes of Advice
I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. – Bill Cosby
This is so true. I wish I heard this quote when I was in middle school. For so many years as a student I didn’t have enough confidence because I wasn’t popular and felt like an outcast. Once I learned to let go of what other people thought, my entire life changed for the better!
Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively. – Dalai Lama XIV
This is a good reminder to me not to be too uptight. I used to be a goodie two shoes and played by all the rules. It is quite an incredible feeling to break through rules sometimes and not be afraid of change.
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned. – Gautama Buddha
I’ve had anger in my life before, and it was awful. Anger is incredibly draining and will rob you of friendships and success. Once I realized it was ruining my life to be angry at so many things, I started letting go. Once I found more peace in my life I felt set free and my happiness meter kept ticking higher and higher.
The secret to success is to do the common things uncommonly well. – John D. Rockefeller Jr.
I like this quote because it’s simple. Success doesn’t have to be extremely complicated or hard to achieve. Master the basics and the complex stuff suddenly isn’t so hard anymore.
To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first. – William Shakespeare
I’ve had a tendency to rush into things too quickly only to burn out or get too far off track. This quote is a great reminder to remember to plan, pace ourselves, and keep on trekking higher.
Work smarter, not harder. – Ron Carswell
I am a perfectionist, and as a result sometimes my efficiency suffers. I like this quote because it makes a great point. Effort is great, but finding a quicker, better, and smarter way to do something is a superior way to get ahead.
Don’t ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you can promise. – Lou Holtz
Generally I agree with this. It can be so annoying when people under deliver. I wrote a related post, Under Promise Over Deliver: A Business Strategy That Can Backfire.
If there is one single secret to long life, that secret is moderation. – George Gallop
This has really hit me lately with regards to health. When I was younger, I would eat and drink whatever I felt like without even thinking about how it was affecting my body. I’ve been very focused on nutrition in the last month eating a much more balanced diet and I feel fantastic!
In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. – Albert Einstein
This quote reminds me of my recent post, 8 Reasons Why Stress Has Actually Improved My Life.
Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. – Abraham Lincoln
I think we’ve all gone through periods of being stubburn, some of us a lot more than others. Before standing our ground, we gotta make sure we’re really in the right place first so we don’t end up looking like fools or jerks.
Untemplaters, do you have a favorite amongst these quotes of advice? What are some things you’ve learned from the advice of another throughout your life?
Financial Samurai says
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.
Never heard this one before. I like it! You sure the Buddha said this though?
E.M. says
I love these quotes! The one about anger is spot on. Being resentful and holding a grudge does absolutely nothing for you. It’s a waste of energy. I personally like “Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s middle.” It’s easy to get caught up in the success of others and wonder when your time will come, and it’s a good reminder to keep focusing on your own efforts.