At least once a week I find myself giggling, raising an eyebrow, or saying hmmm when I see a unique character doing things their own way. I found myself laughing the other day because people are funny! So I decided to put together a quick post on some of the funny things people do to celebrate the untemplate spirit of being who you want to be and not worrying about what others may think.
I think it’s great that people are funny because we remind each other, intentionally or not, that there’s more than one way to do things. It’s often a lot of fun and rewarding to go against the grain. And life doesn’t have to be just black and white. It can be all colors of the rainbow with polkadots, stripes, and stars. So celebrate your quirkiness, obsessions, differences, and unique attributes that make you you. Here are some ways people are funny that make me smile.
They Take Their Dogs To Work In Their Backpacks
(See Post pic above). Yes, that is a real person driving his dog to work in a backpack while riding a scooter. Lol. I was commuting to work behind this guy and had to take a picture when we were stopped at a red light. People do the darndest things. I kept thinking to myself, what the heck would he do if the dog decided to jump out?
They Dress Up In Historic Costumes
I always think it’s funny when I visit historic places and see people in costume reenacting things of the past. Some people really get into it too speaking in old English or different dialects. And other times people dress like this just for fun without the tourist attraction. I’ve seen just about everything in SF.
They Dye Their Hair Crazy Neon Colors
I was always too chicken to dye my hair so I think it’s fun to see people who go all out. I saw a woman the other day with lilac purple hair which was cool, but not something I’d ever to do my own. I wonder how long it takes this guy to make his mohawk every morning…
They Go To The Apple Store With Their Parrots To Check Email
Haha, this pirate makes me laugh. I wandered into an Apple store in Hawaii once and found him checking his email with his two macaws in tow. What a riot. I’m a bit jealous I don’t have my own pair of birds to follow me around. I’ll need to adopt a pair of wild parrots in SF (yes they do exisit!)
They Get Tattoos Of Their Favorite Food And Then Eat It
I did a double take when I saw this guy at an In and Out burger joint on my way to Tahoe earlier this year. Yes, he actually has two tattoos of burgers on his legs! Ha! And then I watched him order a couple double double cheeseburgers. Classic.
They Wear Crazy Outfits And Get Their Picture Taken
Only in a city like San Francisco does a scene like this unfold on a public sidewalk and not seem that abnormal. Haha! This male “model” was not at all embarrassed in this public photo shoot.
They Go All Out At Conventions
I’m bummed the WonderCon convention moved down to SoCal. We had it in SF for a few years when I moved here and it was such a blast. I got to see lots of decked out fans like this storm trooper in their favorite gear, weapons included. How cool is that?!
They Hide Behind Fake Bushes To Scare Tourists And Earn Tips
Who doesn’t love Bush Man down at SF’s Fisherman’s Wharf? Although the actual man behind the “bush” has changed over the years, the stunt is a true SF classic. You have to come see it for yourself!
They Make Celebrities Out Of Wax And Charge Money For Admission
I find it so funny that people pay to visit wax museums (myself included). I had fun at these places as a kid, but I find them more weird now. But how else can you get a picture of Obama and Brad and Angelina?
They Play In One Man Bands
One man bands are just funny, and this guy in particular was so quirky and yet amazingly good. People look so silly playing a one man band, but the sillier person here is the guy wearing the wrestling costume watching in the background lol.
They Convince Tourists To Pay For Cheesy Pictures
I’m always amazed that at any major tourist attraction, there are people who manage to convince tourists to fork over fist fulls of money to pose in cheesy pictures with them. I just like taking pictures of the tourists in the pictures for free. 🙂
They Walk Their Dogs In Strollers
Okay, can someone please explain this one to me? What is up with people “walking” their dogs in strollers these days? I see them all over SF! Don’t they want their pooch to get some exercise? This is a bizarre trend.
They Walk Around On Stilts
I’m always impressed with anyone who can walk on stilts or ride a unicycle. I would kill myself doing either if I tried. And think it’s really funny to walk around that way. How does one wake up and decide “hey I want to walk on stilts”?
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Untemplaters, what are your favorite ways and witnessed examples of how people are funny? What are some of the craziest, down right odd, or unique things you’ve seen people do? Do you consider yourself a funny person?
Copyright 2014. Original content and photography authorized only to appear on Thank you for reading!
I remember the one man band guy. He was incredible! I love the human spirit!
Yeah it takes a lot of energy and spirit to put yourself out there as a one man band. Anyone who has the courage to perform in public all alone for complete strangers has more courage than I do!
I was in restaurant a couple of weeks ago. It was a moderately quiet atmosphere, the way I like it so I can carry on a conversation while eating. A woman a few tables away pulls out a cell phone and starts talking in a loud voice that carries through the whole restaurant.
I think, “Why is she yelling? She could talk in a normal voice and still be heard by the person on the other end of the phone.”
Despite glares from other diners, the telephone conversation went on and on. She could have stepped outside to call, but that didn’t happen.
Looking back, it’s humorous that a person can be so oblivious to their surrounding.
That happens on the bus all the time too! It’s funny how loud some people talk on their cellphone when there’s no need to raise their voice. Usually just turning up the volume helps them hear the other person better and reduces the “need” to talk louder than normal.
What a fun post! I love seeing people marching to their own beat and doing their own things, and you shared some good ones. The dog in the backpack on a scooter is great.
Thanks Eric! Yeah it’s fun to see how creative people can be. I had a good laugh when I saw the dog in the backpack on that scooter. The dog was surprisingly chill!