One mandatory tool needed in order to live a truly authentic lifestyle is real mind control. This means to become mentally bulletproof to all criticism, slander, insults and negative judgment or opinion that other people direct at you.
If you know who you are, what you want to do, and have the balls to pursue it, then you are bound to piss some people off.
Human beings are social animals. And as sad it as it is, some people only know how to talk about other people. Even smart people can fall to this. I personally see it daily in the Greek System in college or from the lady yelling on her cell phone on the lightrail. Usually, these people are stuck in the same daily routine of the “safe” path towards mediocrity. Like doing the school thing and expecting a job to be given to them for 4 years of bullshitting on papers while amassing thousands of dollars in debt.
Basically, if you march to the beat of a different drummer or forge your own path opposite of the herd, people will be offended, and they will make sure everyone else around them knows so.
Becoming Mentally Bulletproof with Stoicism
Its amazing to read what Marcus Aurelius thought and wrote in the “Meditations”. Here is a man, who at the time of writing, was the most powerful man in the world; emperor of the Roman Empire. The following are simple tactics to use for practicing real mind control.
Its a Choice
“Either pain affects the body or it affects the soul. But the soul can choose not to be affected, preserving its own serenity, its own tranquility. All our decisions, urges, desires, aversions lie within. No evil can touch them.”
Pain on the body happens. Could be physical injuries from sports, unhealthy lifestyle choices, or just age. But the one thing you can control is your soul, your mind. Nothing can affect or injure your mind without your permission.
Start with the Mind
“Stop perceiving the pain you imagine and you’ll remain completely unaffected.”
Aurelius writes throughout the Meditations that nothing can really have a hold on the soul, that is, without your own permission. He stated that disturbance, or even distractions or criticism people will throw at you, comes only from within our own perceptions.
Mind your own Business
“The tranquility that comes when you stop caring what they say or think, or do. Only what you do.”
Stop having that “teddy bear” personality. I see a tendency of people wanting to please everyone, wanting to be “cool” with every friend on their facebook. It’s all an illusion. It’s impossible and you will exhaust yourself and your energies trying to make everyone like you. Someone doesn’t like your lifestyle, or this person criticizes your clothing style? Why care? Just move past it and continue living your life.
Aurelius sums it up best; “Don’t waste the rest of your time here worrying about other people – unless it affects the common good.”
It’s up to you…
Employing these tactics will allow you to become mentally bulletproof in any situation that life will throw at you. If you truly live your life according to your terms, aligned with your passion and goals, no doubt you will come across people who will not approve of it. Accept the fact that you will run into enemies, criticism, and road blocks. If you’re not, then you are doing something wrong.
One important note to take into consideration. Using these tactics will not only help you to become mentally bulletproof to criticism, but also to observe criticism with a positive mindset. Healthy criticism can help you become a better “You”, as long as you address it with a positive mindset. The point is to never run away or become self-defensive. The goal is to identify it, take it for what its worth, and move on with living your life.
Its up you to choose the appropriate mindset to face these situations. As Marcus Aurelius wrote;
“Choose not to be harmed – and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed – and you haven’t been.”
Great job. I really liked the Marcus Aurelius quotes. It is harder said then done though i know from experience. Especially when criticism or a disagreement comes from those closest to you.
Another thing I find that these tactics almost have to be second nature for them to be truly effective. Telling your self to not let it bother you, can sometimes mean its already too late. Even one drop of negative input, criticism, or gossip can contaminate your every thought. It takes practice I’ve found.
Great stuff
Great to see you here on Untemplater and, as usual, this was a great post, mate. I think you know that I love Meditations as much as anyone, though I’d argue that ol’ Marcus was even more powerful than Obama is today, and is probably a better man than he. I don’t see Obama producing any timeless works of moral philosophy, do you?
I’m being serious in saying that this is the most important article to read on this website right now. Peace of mind is a tricky thing, and this article covers the essentials. Bravo.
Thanks Brett! Haha, I do have to agree with ya….I might have been a bit nice to compare President Obama to Marcus Aurelius. The Meditations are unique and incomparable to any other book, I believe. It’s great to see like-minded and young individuals like yourself really enjoying and studying classics like The Meditations!
Thanks for sincere words too Brett! They really do mean alot.
Thank you Meg, glad you enjoyed the quotes!
Hahaha, awesome awesome work quoted here. 😉
This is something I have absolutely come to realize. And while I still get caught up in it, I’m getting better. I buy clothes because I like them and they’re good quality, I don’t care who thinks better or worse of me for spending so much on them.
It’s especially true for me because I don’t fit the typical “Air Force wife” mold. I hardly ever get along with them, we’re just too different. And I’m okay with that, I don’t want to be any other way other than what I am. 🙂
AWESOME post Ronnie!!! I absolutely loved it! You motivated me to check out Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I would like to link back to this posting on my blog very soon if you don’t mind.
Appreciate the kinds words Monique! Definitely check out The Meditations….preferably the Gregory Hays translation. I honestly never get tired of re reading it month after month. And please do post on it! Let me know if I can offer any assistance, and looking forward to your post 🙂
It amazes me how much energy, time, and effort some of the people I know put into making sure they don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Or into the clothes they wear (or their hair!) because their image is all-consuming.
My life is so much easier and less stressful because I don’t overly concern myself with those things.
I do need to work on looking at criticism in a positive light, however. Sometimes I still get defensive.
Thanks Matt. Yeah it’s hard not to get defensive and it definitely depends on who is criticizing you. And usually, defensive behavior could show a lack of confidence, or a fear of what those around you might think of you. But your right, taking criticism in a positive light can definitely help you steer away from this.
If some questions why I do this or pokes a little fun at what I’m doing, just soak it in, smile, and thank them for their input/thoughts/opinion. That shows true confidence.