My Prius has something called a “smart key.” I don’t have to unlock the door with this key, or stick it in the ignition. I just have to have it on me–in my pocket or my bag–and the car senses it and opens the door when I touch the handle, and starts when I push the Power button on the dash.
This “smart key” is one of my favorite things about the Prius (the gas mileage isn’t bad either.)
But lately I’ve been getting the sense that there may be more than one smart key in my bag. I’m beginning to sense that I have a bunch of “smart keys” embedded inside me at the heart or soul level that automatically connect me to certain people, places, and activities.
For example, have you ever met a person and just instantly hit it off? One possible explanation is that your internal “smart key” responded to, or ignited a spark in theirs.
And conversely, have you ever met someone and despite having a million things in common, were never able to connect, ignite, or start a meaningful relationship?
Or have you ever gone someplace–a town on vacation, or a new city, or even a restaurant or a bar, and felt instantly at home and comfortable? Like you’d been there before? That you knew instinctively where the bathroom was, or how to get around on the bus system?
And then have you ever gone someplace that was obviously wonderful and fabulous, someplace all your friends recommended and loved, and felt nothing but boredom and discontent?
Did you ever want, with all your heart, to love a person or a place, and despite all kinds of persistence and manipulation and self-deception have to finally admit that your smart key just wasn’t connecting, and have to resign yourself to the fact that you would never get in, would always remain shut out?
Have you ever tried a new sport or activity: running, ballroom dancing, rock climbing, golf, yoga, etc. and felt something unlock and ignite within you at the body or soul level, and know, without question, that you could DO this, even if at first you were incredibly awkward and clumsy?
I think it’s important to begin noticing what our “smart keys” are unlocking. And what they aren’t. I think we waste our lives when we try to break into a job, or have a relationship, or live in a place, or engage in an activity that’s never going to happen for us, even though we may want it to, or think we should.
But if we understand that deep inside us are hidden many “smart keys,” shouldn’t we take it as our sacred duty, our life mission, our job, to find every single door these keys may unlock?
As a yoga teacher, one of the things I say at the end of class is: “Notice how you feel.” (I think it’s probably the most important moment in the entire class.) But a better question might be: “Did anything unlock for you today? What opened?
So true. Sometimes the lack of a Smartkey is so painful, but when there IS a connection…watch out! I love when that happens!
Oh, I love this! It is so SPOT on! A few years ago I realized that all of the things in my life that I pushed for, yearned after, fought for–all of the things that seemed so much harder than necessary–were just not ever going to work. I still fall back into wanting what I think I want, but I try to check in with my “smart key” much more often. Thanks for a great post!
Fantastic article!!! I was just having the same thoughts the other day (how synchronistic!), only you put them into much better words than I could ever think of. Thank you for being one more nudge that let me know its ok to let go of things and people that just don’t click. I look forward to reading more of your work!
Now to find the lock….. now to find the lock…..! Where’s that light switch…
truer words I have yet to read – Thanks, Kathleen.
I love this piece….so true. Unlocked equals freedom and feeling good.
Kath, I love your concept of the Smart Key. What a great analogy! I can so relate. You do have a true gift with words and communicating……
What a beautiful piece and so very true. I really love your writings Kath…they always make me think.
My smart key definitely “lit up” reading your post. I think your right on about embedded smart keys within our heart and souls. Congrats, I look forward to reading more.