Odds are you’re suffocating in clutter, even if you don’t know it yet.
It’s a growing disease thanks to modern consumerism. We lust for more “stuff” not because we need it or even because we particularly want it. Instead, we’re obsessed with having the “best” TV money can buy, a “better” car than our neighbors, the “latest” gizmo, you get the idea.
The results of such materialistic gluttony are painful, profound, and undeniable – epic consumer debt, manic obsessions, skyrocketing stress, unhealthy emotional attachments, cramped living. The list is endless.
But those aren’t the worst side-effects. The truly lethal outcomes are restriction of freedoms, scarified life experiences, addiction to “want”, and more. In sum, you live a half-life (at best) because of the concussion of clutter.
When will this madness end? When will we regain control of our lives, reclaim our sanity, and achieve true lifestyle security?
How about now!
Adam Baker (call him Baker) is a master basher of clutter. His and his family’s crusade is to help you nuke the crap in your life and earn hard cash in the process! Seriously, with Baker’s sage advice, you can eliminate debilitating crap, regain life control, make benjamins, and get on with living the good like. Yes, I’m serious!
These are the rewards you’ll reap with Baker’s new Sell Your Crap program. I’ve seen it and it’s spectacularly stupendous! I’ll share a brief review below, but first…
How can Baker promise such awesome results?
Because he and his family have more than seen the promise land. They’ve walked in it! If you don’t know the Bakers’ story, it goes something like this…
Baker and wife Courtney were on the “typical life” plan – good college educations, get solid jobs out of school, start buying TVs and cars, etc. You know this story. It’s the good ol’ “American Dream”. But the Baker’s shook themselves out of this daze with the birth of the first child – Milligan. They day Milligan was born was the day clutter died … for the Bakers!
After Milligan’s birth, the Baker’s strategically sold off all their stuff … like all of it! All that was left was what could fit into their two backpacks. They then left to travel abroad – to see the world, experience life, live free, and find true happiness. And they did!
These experiences led Baker to launch ManVsDebt – a personal finance and anti-clutter blog that’s taking the world by storm!
So, let’s get our un-clutter on!
Here’s the low-down on Baker’s new Sell Your Crap program.
According to Baker, here’s why you need to Sell Your Crap.
- Rescue your sanity from the dungeons of consumerism
- Reclaim control of life back from the piles of junk
- Flourish from a variety of new experiences previously not possible due to the burden of clutter
- Achieve true lifestyle security through the elimination of materialistic dependencies
- Discover genuine joy from the detachment of “want” and the focus on “meaning”
- Gain the confidence to sell-off your excess crap for top dollar – without hours of tedious work
My Review of Sell Your Crap
I’ll cut through all the prose I could offer and get to the heart of the matter. Here goes!
1. Sell Your Crap is an intimate and insider’s look into the “why” and “how” of clutter busting
Baker shares many personal stories in his main guide that show you vividly how clutter can corrode life. He’s 100% open about his feelings, troubles, triumphs, and future ideas about an un-clutter life. Via his stories and expressions of mindset, you learn the all-important “why” – why eradicating clutter is so important, why the world needs to quench it’s endless thirst of consumerism, why we need to take action ourselves, and why the time is now!
As we all know, you cannot hope to succeed in any venture without first knowing why that venture matters and why you’re doing what you’re doing.
But beyond the why, Baker shows in excruciating detail “how” you can launch your counterstrike on crap! He pulls from his own tried-and-true strategies and winning tactics. He also leverages the collective wisdom of the entire anti-clutter community.
2. Sell Your Crap’s small army of killer companion guides
The real awesomeness of Baker’s teachings manifest in his companion guides – an epic eBay guide, powerhouse craigslist guide, and razor-sharp Amazon guide. Each of these can morph online selling peewees into warriors. Case-in-point me! Honestly, I knew jack about selling on eBay before reading Baker’s eBay guide. But after just a day I now have the know-how to get to it. More importantly, I have the confidence to do so!
The eBay guide is the real juggernaut at 35,000+ words / 171 pages (yes, for real) with 65+ step-by-step screenshots. Mind you, this might be a bit intimidating at first. But I overcame that with the simple understanding that – unless eBay drastically changes – I’ll never need another resource on how to kick-ass with eBay!
3. Baker’s whole soul is in this product
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, it’s beyond dispute that Baker put his entire soul into this program. The quality is freakin’ amazing! And when you’re done reading these guides you’ll swear you’ve been best mates with Baker since kidhood.
This sole-bearing nature of Baker assures you that you’ll not only score some cash with this program; you’ll win the war against clutter! And Baker is there to help you at each and every step with his final two special offers!
When I moved a couple years ago I needed to go through a basement full of crap. 1/2 went to charities, lots just went to the dump. It was a very liberating experience!
The pack-rat mentality is in my DNA, but last night I was in the mood to try to some basic de-cluttering. I decided to tackle the low-hanging fruit – books that I have somehow managed to get duplicates of. I put them up on Amazon, but I have doubts of them ever selling. Mass-market paperbacks (which is what I usually buy for novels) sell for about $0.01 It would cost more than that to drive to the post office to mail them out. I listed mine for $2.00, but when there are 1500 copies selling for 1 cent, my $2 copy isn’t going anywhere.