We spend the vast majority of our lives working. Are you unhappy at work? Do you worry you could get laid off? It’s time to stop worrying and take action. You’ve come to the right place!
The following How To Engineer Your Layoff ebook review will teach you how to take your future into your own hands. The book is the one and only book that teaches you how to negotiate a severance from a job you dislike.
In fact, negotiating a severance after reading How To Engineer Your Layoff was my #1 catalyst to break free from my finance job in 2015. Since then, I’ve been able to travel to over 20 countries, exercise more, and have two children!
How To Engineer Layoff Review 2024
Sam Dogen, the founder of Financial Samurai is the author of the fantastic severance negotiation ebook How To Engineer Your Layoff. It’s now in its 6th edition for 2024 to incorporate severance negotiation in a post-pandemic world.
Most importantly, there are new chapters, more resources, additional case studies, tips, negotiation tactics, and more data points than ever before. If you want to leave a job you hate with money in your pocket, How To Engineer Your Layoff is a must buy.
Through the concepts written in the book, Sam was able to negotiate a severance worth five-to-six years of living expenses to live free. Learn how to get a severance from someone who has.
What Is How To Engineer Your Layoff About?

Are you sick and tired of your job and dying to get out? Do you dread getting out of bed in the morning because you don’t want to go to work anymore? Is your company downsizing? Are you worried you could get laid off?
This inspiring ebook will teach you How to Engineer Your Layoff with a nice severance package to help you along your way. Sam Dogen has successfully helped many people engineer their layoffs to lead more meaningful lives.
Now, it’s your chance to learn step-by-step how to engineer your layoff. As a result of reading the book, you will have the knowledge, confidence and prowess to succeed.
Newly updated in its 6th edition, How To Engineer Your Layoff is designed to help you leave your job with money in your pocket. In other words, it teaches you how to get laid off with a severance package instead of just quitting with nothing.
Since first coming to market, thousands of readers have successfully engineered their layoff. For example, many readers are now working in new fields, spending more time with family, traveling, working at competing firms for more money, retired early, and more.
The book personally enabled me to get paid to leave my job. I was stressed to wits end for years at my job. My experience reading and applying How To Engineer Your Layoff to my career completely changed my life!
Now, I get to do the work that I love on my own schedule. I’m completely stress-free and am so happy to be a stay at home mom. You too have a chance to become a success story!
Who Should Read How To Engineer Your Layoff?
Curious if this book is for you? Here’s just a small sampling of reasons why you should read How To Engineer Your Layoff.
- You’re unhappy at work and want to quit your job.
- Feelings of being unappreciated at work fill your thoughts daily.
- You are interviewing for a new job or already have one lined up.
- Your department and/or employer is showing signs of trouble.
- Word is circulating that your company is expected to or already going through layoffs / reduction in force (RIF).
- Your department is downsizing.
- Boredom has set in. You’ve been doing the same thing for years and want to do something new.
- You want to retire early and join the FIRE movement (Financial Independence Retire Early).
- Family is important to you and you wish you could spend more time with them.
- Someone you love is sick and you want to help care for them.
- You have an entrepreneurial itch and want to start your own business.
- Your industry doesn’t excite you anymore and want to switch things up.
- Going back to school is at the top of your wish list.
- You work in HR and are involved in staffing.
- You’re a manager or supervisor.
About The Author: Sam Dogen AKA Financial Samurai
Sam started the popular personal finance blog Financial Samurai in 2009 during the depths of the financial crisis as a way to make sense of all the chaos that was happening around us. After 13 years of working in finance, he decided to retire in 2012. He utilizes everything he learned in the business to help people achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Instead of just calling it quits and handing in a resignation, Sam ingeniously negotiated a severance package. He received a generous lump sum severance that provided him with over six years of living expenses! To my surprise, his total severance package was valued at over half a million dollars. Now that’s impressive!
As a result, Sam’s experience gave him the opportunity to fully pursue his love of writing on Financial Samurai and helping people around the world improve their finances. His voice is one of the most brilliant, unique, and witty styles around.
I’ve been reading his work since 2009 and am amazed at how he continues to produce creative, in-depth and insightful content and advice multiple times a week. He also has a great top financial products resource page, which he updates regularly.
I definitely recommend reading Financial Samurai on a regular basis in addition to the ebook How To Engineer Your Layoff.
What’s Included In The Ebook?
Certainly you must be curious about what’s in the ebook. This How To Engineer Your Layoff review wouldn’t be complete without telling you about all the goodies. So without further ado, here’s a peak at what’s included:
- Over 200 pages of life-changing advice
- 22 detailed chapters with key point summaries
- Helpful insights on your employment rights
- Reasons why you should engineer your layoff
- Reasons why you should not engineer your layoff
- Costly mistakes to avoid
- A worksheet to help determine if you’re ready
- A detailed checklist of steps you should take
- Separation agreement negotiation tips
- Negotiation tips when you have another job lined up
- How to guide on contracting a severance before you’re hired
- When to consider hiring a lawyer
- Case studies on people who successfully got paid to leave their jobs
- A framework on how to develop multiple income streams
- Advice on life after separating from your job
- Details on how Sam engineered his layoff and why
- A bonus chapter written for managers and employers
- Employment rights tips
- Reference list of featured articles
- Resources and recommendations
How To Engineer Your Layoff Reviews
Here are just a few testimonials in addition to my own How To Engineer Your Layoff Review.
Making The Most Of The Global Pandemic
“I bought this book for my sister who was then able to negotiate a $50,000 severance. Two years later, I used this book to help me negotiate an $80,000 severance during the middle of a pandemic! What’s more, I got a month off to relax, and my new job pays much more. This book was the best investment I have ever made.” – Pam (HTEYL reader)
Engineered Six Months Of Living Expenses!
“How To Engineer Your Layoff”, allowed me a blueprint for putting the title theory into practice. With six months of living expenses I would not have received had I resigned, the results speak for themselves.
Examples of relationships I would need to cultivate, persuasive arguments I would need to make, and real practical advice are all included and have paid for the book a thousand times over. Thank you for the book.” – JayCeezy (read his full review here: Yes, I Got Laid Off! Thank Goodness For Severance Packages!
Breaking Free From Zombie Land
“Finally, a book that teaches us how to break free from the corporate grind and make money in the process! I’ve been working at my job for over 15 years and was becoming a zombie.
I no longer had the motivation to do anything beyond what I was supposed to do. I’ve saved up a good amount and How To Engineer Your Layoff was just the right push I needed to finally take a break and not feel guilty!” – Michael
Bye Bye Bad Job, Hello Happiness!
“HTEYL helped me get out of an unbearable work situation. My company was losing money, moral was very low, and my boss was like Jekyl & Hyde! Not only am I now much happier working at a new startup, I was able to take six months off and not have to worry about anything financially due to my severance package.” – Encore Career
Successfully Paid Thanks To How To Engineer Your Layoff
“Thank you for making your method available. My wife is happy and astonished thinking that I’m the only person she knows that would find instruction on getting laid off, and then actually following through with it successfully. I can hardly believe it myself!” – Doug (read his full review here: Use The Family And Medical Leave Act (FMLA) To Negotiate A Severance Package
And check this one out too!
Holiday Severance Package Surprise

Start Today!
Now that you’ve finished reading my How To Engineer Your Layoff review, are you ready to download your own copy of the ebook? Access the store page here to learn more and purchase the ebook. You can download it instantly and start reading. I can’t believe how much this book changed my life. Check it out for yourself and take control of your future!
How To Engineer Your Layoff Review
How To Engineer Your Layoff by Sam Dogen of Financial Samurai is the best resource out there if you’re looking to get paid to quit your job. This ebook will give you the confidence and the knowledge to negotiate a severance package and start a new exciting chapter in your life.