With Q4 around the corner, it's a good time to start thinking about your performance evaluation at work, especially if you want a raise. When I worked full-time in corporate America, I used to salivate at every thought of getting a raise. Money was a huge motivator for me while I was building my career. I wanted financial independence as quickly as possible. The funny thing … [Read more...]
What is it like to be a manager? The great, so-so and downright crappy
Are you wondering what is it like to be a manager? There's lots to think about because it can be a whole range of experiences! I held a managerial position for about eight years that had a huge impact on my career. Some experiences were great, some were just so-so and others were downright crappy. But I learned so much in those years about myself, the individuals in my team, … [Read more...]
Planting seeds for tomorrow: Untemplater Income Report August 2016
While most of you were probably cranking up the AC during August's sweltering heat, I was blasting the heat as I nearly froze in "Fogust." SF was foggy and cold almost every day of August and I really started to miss seeing blue skies and sun. It's almost mid September and they still haven't arrived. Arg! Hopefully we'll get our classic autumn heatwave later this month and into … [Read more...]
How to make the most of a 9 to 5 job
When I was getting ready to graduate from college, I had absolutely no intentions of becoming a self-employed entrepreneur someday. The thought never even crossed my mind. My number one goal was to find a reliable full-time job that would enable me to pay rent and buy food so I wouldn't starve to death. Although I love being self-employed now, I wouldn't have been able to … [Read more...]
Travel lessons from my worldly adventures
For the last couple days I've been enjoying some relaxing days in the woods up at Lake Tahoe, CA. Being away from home always reminds me of all the various places I've been and how different even one town can be from the next. I've been meaning to put together a list of travel lessons from my worldly adventures for a few months now and finally have some quiet time to do … [Read more...]