If you're thinking about retiring, have a master plan. You might surprise yourself about how much financial progress you can make. Here's a review of my master plan to re-retire by age 45. Starting in 2018, a year after my son was born, I decided to spend more time on entrepreneurship and less time relaxing. Once you have your first child, working harder is a … [Read more...]
Why One-Star Ratings Are Great For Podcasts, Books, And Videos
One-star ratings can sting. But I'm here to encourage you to embrace all your critical feedback! One-star ratings can provide a significant boost to your podcast, book, video and whatever product you're selling. If you're a podcaster, author, videographer, side hustler, or creator of any sort, you will inevitably get a one-star rating. When you first get one, you might get … [Read more...]
Being A Millionaire Won’t Make You Happy, But Here’s What Will
By age 30, I had grown my net worth to $1 million dollars through a combination of an excellent salary, a 50%+ saving rate, a bull market, and lots of luck. Surprisingly, my happiness wasn't higher after I tallied up my assets and found out I had become a millionaire. Rather, I was feeling miserable because I was working 60+ hours a week at a job I no longer … [Read more...]
Why Are So Many People Bad At Their Jobs?!
Is one of your coworkers driving you crazy? Perhaps a client or a vendor you're working with completely dropped the ball. Ugh! Why are so many people bad at their jobs?! Playwright Jean-Paul Sartre has a famous line in one of his plays, "Hell is other people." Ha! That quote is spot on, especially in the context of work. Too often people make things overcomplicated … [Read more...]
Embrace This: Every Day Is The Best Day Of The Year!
A brand new year is here! And while it's always fun to celebrate at the beginning of the year, why stop there? Let's take a new spin on things and adopt the mindset that every day is the best day of the year for the entire year and beyond! Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. - Ralph Waldo Emerson 2023 could get quite dicey with more expected … [Read more...]