When it comes to any type of work, there will inevitably come a time when you get burnt out. This is especially true with blogging. The first year I started blogging, I felt invincible. I had endless energy and worked around the clock. When I wasn't at my day job, I was glued to my laptop doing something blogging related. Fast forward to 2017 and my life as a blogger was turned … [Read more...]
Career Lessons From Martial Arts: A Black Belt Is A White Belt That Never Quit!
Sometimes our greatest career lessons aren't learned on the job. Without realizing it, we often pick up skills and mindfulness from outside sources and experiences that we later apply to our careers. For example, the countless hours I spent in the performing arts as a student taught me a lot about discipline, that progress and rewards come from hours of effort, and that getting … [Read more...]
Are You Willing To Move Back In With Your Parents To Save Money?
Another fresh batch of college graduates are tossing their caps in the air. While I'm sure all of them are thrilled to toss out their books and be done with finals, it's hard to say how many are actually excited about entering the work force. It's competitive out there, and graduating with a job offer in hand isn't guaranteed anymore. My babysitter is a perfect example. She's … [Read more...]
Why It’s Worth Starting A Podcast Even If You’re Not A Good Speaker
If there wasn't already enough on my plate as a father to a newborn who publishes 3X a week, I decided to finally start a podcast on iTunes. Each podcast episode takes me about 30 minutes to 1 hour to record on average, due to all the many different takes. The funny thing is, for the past year, I thought I already had an FS podcast channel on iTunes because my random audio … [Read more...]
Blink and it’s gone! Untemplater 2017 Year In Review
Blink and it's gone; another year comes to a close. Time doesn't stop for anyone, no matter how desperately we need it. You've probably got a lot on your mind. I certainly do. Things get crazy this time of year - promotions and raises or frustratingly a lack thereof, figuring out what gifts to buy your family and friends, visiting relatives, dealing with bad weather, scrambling … [Read more...]